
  • Dr. Smriti Lata Sinha Assistant professor, Department - Department of Teacher Education, Mewar Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, India


Women in family, Community, Politics, Gender stereotypes, Patriarchal system, Women empowerment, Social and Economic condition


Although many prejudices and discrimination based on gender have faded, gender preconceptions still stand in the way of women's professional advancement. Gender stereotypes, which define managerial behaviour and professional outlooks in the workplace by patriarchal expectations, negatively impact women's access to career advancement prospects. In this scenario, kinship networks were the specific social structures and interactions that the sex and gender system identified with when discussing reproduction. Men's authority at home and in society, and women's social and economic standing, were both seen to be heavily influenced by the strength of their kinship ties, which were considered just as important as the family unit itself. People believed that the manufacturing and reproduction processes exploited human labour and women's reproductive abilities. Both types of oppression were linked to the caste system, and it has been suggested that India is home to various caste patriarchies.

Nearly half of the country's citizens are female, yet they have had it particularly rough. For ages, religious and cultural norms have been used to keep them from prospering. On the social and political plain, women faced sex discrimination, uneven pay, unnatural indoctrination, a lack of education, and even untouchability. Religious traditions and societal organizations profoundly influence women's roles and positions.

As a member of Indian society, a woman has experienced debasement, abuse, and exploitation. Instances of rape, murder, dowry, burning, wife abuse and prejudice are common. Due to the preponderance of males in Indian culture, women are often exploited in various ways, including the economy, politics, and control over how she is paid and how their body is put to use. In this way, a woman's existence might range from the extremes of pleasure to peril.

Indian civilization has been held together by its rich cultural traditions for millennia. The patriarchal system and gender norms at home and in society have traditionally given the boy kid less attention than the boy. Women continued to be subjugated to males, and the birth of sons was seen as a kind of social insurance. She fears being mistreated, exploited, and subjugated because of her disadvantaged status. Child marriage, sati, polygamy, the purdah system, female infanticide, forced pregnancies, rape, etc., were only some of the societal ills she experienced.

Sometimes the woman's mother-in-law also plays a part in these situations. The gender ratio in India is impacted by discrimination against and violence against women. Uneven power dynamics, sexism, patriarchy, women's economic dependency, men's exclusion from decision-making, etc., are significant contributors to the problem.

Indian law and the Constitution provide women's rights and citizenship equal to those of males. Nevertheless, most of them are sick and malnourished. It is a significant issue, particularly for expecting and nursing mothers. Domestic duties must be completed first and foremost. If women put their own needs first in any way (professionally, intellectually, monetarily, etc.), they face social pressure to feel bad about it. Compared to the past, when the vast majority of women lacked formal education, now many women have, although their education is often inadequate.

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