Socio-Economic Challenges of Dhangar Shepherds: An Analytical Study


  • Suryabhan Dasharath Sudke Research Scholar, KBC NMU Jalgaon, India
  • Dr. Jagdish Shankar Sonawane Research Guide, KBC NMU Jalgaon, India


Dhangar community, Traditionally shepherds, Socio-economic, Challenges, Society


The Dhangar community, traditionally known for their pastoral lifestyle as shepherds, is increasingly facing a range of socio-economic challenges in contemporary society. This paper aims to explore the multifaceted issues that the Dhangar shepherds encounter, highlighting critical areas such as economic hardships, educational barriers, health concerns, and the impact of modernization on their way of life. Historically, the Dhangars have played a significant role in rural economies, contributing to agricultural practices through their expertise in sheep herding. However, the transition towards urbanization and modernization has led to significant disruptions in their traditional livelihoods. Economic instability is one of the foremost challenges, with many Dhangar families experiencing fluctuations in income due to changes in market demand for wool and livestock, as well as competition from other sources of livelihood. This economic uncertainty has profound implications, often leading to increased poverty levels within the community. Educational barriers also pose a significant challenge for the Dhangar shepherds. Many children from this community do not have access to quality education due to various factors, including geographic isolation, inadequate infrastructure, and socio-cultural attitudes toward education. As a result, literacy rates remain low, hindering the community's ability to secure better employment opportunities and break the cycle of poverty. Health concerns further complicate the socio-economic landscape for the Dhangar community. Limited access to healthcare services, combined with a lack of awareness about health and nutrition, contributes to a high prevalence of chronic illnesses and malnutrition. Many families are unable to afford necessary medical treatments, leading to deteriorating health conditions that affect their productivity and quality of life. Ultimately, this study serves as a critical resource for policymakers, researchers, and community leaders seeking to understand and address the socio-economic challenges faced by the Dhangar community, paving the way for sustainable development and empowerment.


Author Biographies

Suryabhan Dasharath Sudke, Research Scholar, KBC NMU Jalgaon, India



Dr. Jagdish Shankar Sonawane, Research Guide, KBC NMU Jalgaon, India







